The Figure Shows An Autotransformer

The figure shows an autotransformer, a unique type of electrical transformer that offers distinct advantages and applications. Autotransformers are widely used in various industries due to their compact size, reduced copper losses, and specific voltage regulation capabilities.

This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of autotransformers, exploring their construction, operation, applications, and design considerations. By understanding the nuances of autotransformers, electrical engineers and technicians can optimize their use in a wide range of electrical systems.

Definition of an Autotransformer: The Figure Shows An Autotransformer

The figure shows an autotransformer

An autotransformer is a transformer with a single winding that serves as both the primary and secondary windings. The winding is tapped at one or more points, allowing for a variable turns ratio between the input and output.

Autotransformers are used in a variety of applications, including voltage regulation, impedance matching, and power distribution. They are often used in place of conventional transformers when the voltage ratio is small, as they are more efficient and less expensive.

Advantages of Autotransformers

  • Smaller size and weight:Autotransformers have a smaller size and weight compared to conventional transformers, as they use a single winding instead of two separate windings.
  • Lower cost:Autotransformers are less expensive to manufacture than conventional transformers, as they require less copper and iron.
  • Higher efficiency:Autotransformers have a higher efficiency than conventional transformers, as they experience lower copper losses due to the single winding.

Disadvantages of Autotransformers

  • Limited voltage range:Autotransformers have a limited voltage range, as the turns ratio is fixed by the tapping points.
  • Electrical isolation:Autotransformers do not provide electrical isolation between the input and output, as they share a common winding.
  • Safety concerns:Autotransformers can pose safety concerns, as the exposed winding can create a shock hazard if not properly insulated.

Construction and Operation

The figure shows an autotransformer

An autotransformer is an electrical transformer that has only one winding, which is tapped at one or more points. This allows for a variable turns ratio, which can be used to adjust the voltage or current in a circuit.

The construction of an autotransformer is similar to that of a conventional transformer, with a core made of laminated iron or steel and a winding made of copper or aluminum wire. However, the autotransformer has only one winding, which is tapped at one or more points.

The taps are connected to terminals on the outside of the transformer, which allows for the turns ratio to be adjusted.

The principle of operation of an autotransformer is based on the transformer equation, which states that the voltage across a winding is proportional to the number of turns in the winding. By adjusting the taps on the autotransformer, the number of turns in the primary and secondary windings can be changed, which changes the turns ratio and the voltage across the secondary winding.

Advantages of Autotransformers

  • Autotransformers are more efficient than conventional transformers, as they have only one winding instead of two.
  • Autotransformers are smaller and lighter than conventional transformers, as they have less copper and iron.
  • Autotransformers are less expensive than conventional transformers, as they require less material.

Disadvantages of Autotransformers

  • Autotransformers can only be used to step up or step down voltage, they cannot be used to isolate circuits.
  • Autotransformers can be dangerous if they are not properly grounded, as they can create a ground loop.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    The figure shows an autotransformer

    Autotransformers offer both advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional transformers. It is important to consider these factors when selecting the most suitable transformer for a specific application.

    Advantages, The figure shows an autotransformer

    • Compact Size:Autotransformers have a more compact design compared to conventional transformers, as they utilize a single winding instead of two separate windings. This reduced size makes them suitable for applications where space is limited.
    • Reduced Copper Losses:Autotransformers have lower copper losses than conventional transformers due to the use of a single winding. This results in improved efficiency and reduced energy consumption.
    • Lower Cost:Autotransformers are generally less expensive to manufacture than conventional transformers, as they require less copper and other materials.


    • Limited Voltage Regulation:Autotransformers provide limited voltage regulation compared to conventional transformers. This is because the output voltage is directly proportional to the input voltage, making it more susceptible to voltage fluctuations.
    • Potential for Short Circuits:Autotransformers have a higher potential for short circuits than conventional transformers. This is because the primary and secondary windings are connected directly, creating a lower impedance path for fault currents.
    • Not Suitable for Isolation:Autotransformers do not provide electrical isolation between the primary and secondary circuits. This limits their use in applications where electrical isolation is required.


    The figure shows an autotransformer

    Autotransformers are commonly used in a variety of applications, including:

    Voltage Regulation

    Autotransformers are often used to regulate voltage in distribution systems. By adjusting the turns ratio of the autotransformer, the output voltage can be increased or decreased to maintain a constant voltage level at the load.

    Starting Induction Motors

    Autotransformers are also used to start induction motors. By initially providing a reduced voltage to the motor, the starting current is reduced, which helps to protect the motor and the power system.

    Phase Conversion

    Autotransformers can be used to convert a single-phase power supply to a three-phase power supply, or vice versa. This is useful in situations where a three-phase load needs to be operated from a single-phase source, or vice versa.


    Autotransformers can also be used to provide isolation between two circuits. This is useful in situations where two circuits need to be electrically isolated from each other, but still need to be able to exchange power.

    Design Considerations

    Autotransformer advantages introduction applications

    The design of an autotransformer involves careful consideration of several key factors, including voltage ratio, current rating, and efficiency. These parameters are interconnected, and optimizing one may come at the expense of another.

    The voltage ratio of an autotransformer determines the voltage transformation between its primary and secondary windings. A higher voltage ratio results in a greater voltage transformation, but it also increases the current rating required for the transformer.

    Current Rating

    The current rating of an autotransformer is determined by the maximum current it can safely carry without overheating. A higher current rating allows the transformer to handle more power, but it also increases the size and cost of the transformer.


    The efficiency of an autotransformer is a measure of how much power is lost during transformation. A higher efficiency means less power is lost, resulting in lower operating costs. The efficiency of an autotransformer is typically determined by the design of the windings and the core material.

    When designing an autotransformer, engineers must carefully balance these factors to achieve the desired performance and cost requirements.

    Comparison with Conventional Transformers

    Autotransformers and conventional transformers, while both used for voltage conversion, exhibit distinct characteristics and applications. This section presents a comprehensive comparison between these two transformer types, highlighting their similarities and differences.

    The following table summarizes the key features and characteristics of autotransformers and conventional transformers:

    Feature Autotransformer Conventional Transformer
    Voltage Conversion Uses a single winding with tapped connections Uses two separate windings (primary and secondary)
    Size and Weight Generally smaller and lighter Larger and heavier
    Efficiency Higher efficiency due to reduced copper losses Lower efficiency due to increased copper losses
    Cost Lower manufacturing cost Higher manufacturing cost
    Voltage Regulation Poorer voltage regulation compared to conventional transformers Better voltage regulation
    Isolation No galvanic isolation between primary and secondary windings Provides galvanic isolation between primary and secondary windings
    Applications Suitable for applications with small voltage ratios Suitable for applications with large voltage ratios and isolation requirements

    Illustrations and Diagrams

    This section presents detailed diagrams and illustrations to enhance the understanding of autotransformers.

    The following diagram illustrates the construction and operation of an autotransformer:

    Autotransformer Diagram

    The autotransformer consists of a single winding with multiple taps. The primary winding is connected to the power source, and the secondary winding is connected to the load. The common winding serves as both the primary and secondary windings, providing electrical isolation between the two circuits.

    The voltage and current relationships in an autotransformer can be represented graphically as follows:

    Voltage and Current Relationships

    The graph shows that the voltage across the secondary winding is proportional to the turns ratio between the primary and secondary windings. The current in the common winding is the difference between the primary and secondary currents.

    FAQ Overview

    What is the primary function of an autotransformer?

    An autotransformer provides voltage regulation and isolation in electrical systems.

    How does an autotransformer differ from a conventional transformer?

    An autotransformer has a single winding that serves as both the primary and secondary windings, while a conventional transformer has separate primary and secondary windings.

    What are the advantages of using an autotransformer?

    Autotransformers offer advantages such as compact size, reduced copper losses, and specific voltage regulation capabilities.